Character Exploration Drawings

“Iwájú” is an original animated series set in a futuristic Lagos, Nigeria. The exciting coming-of-age story follows Tola, a young girl from the wealthy island, and her best friend, Kole, a self-taught tech expert, as they discover the secrets and dangers hidden in their different worlds. These are some of the drawings I had done that could amplify the personalities of these characters which include - Tola, Happiness, Bode, Sunday, Kole, and Otin (the robot lizard)


Few selected panels from a few different sequences that I had boarded

Tunde’s past : Storyboard sequence

I enjoyed storyboarding this sequence as it sets up a very clear tangible goal for the character of young Tunde- which is to land/pass this job interview for a high-end Tech company. Mrs Usman (the interviewer) who is tough and mean to say the least, creates some juicy conflict in the scene. The challenge was to keep the tension alive throughout and maintain Tunde as a charming and endearing person so we keep rooting for him.

Why Can’t we be friends: Storyboard sequence

Another sequence I enjoyed storyboarding in episode 6 because here everyone’s individual philosophies come into final conflict, face to face, with one another. The challenging part was to keep the performances subtle and believable and the staging simple and clear.